unit bibliographical notes
MOBILIZATION. America's Great War, Zieger. Sets up the Four Elements of Mobilization: soldiers, industry, food & financing.
Juliet Barker's Agincourt for Henry V's mobilization efforts and "band of brothers" speech. pp. 86-87 1.2 M goosefeathers, $25K to a "fletcher" for 12,000 arrows. Also trains all men to use longbow, collects men, raises money (Four Elements of Mobilization lessons).
Dan Carlin "Celtic Holocaust" where he mentions Hans Delbrouck on the imporance of logictics in warfare. Caesar had suppliers, financing, communication, transportation...(Four Elements Lesson).
The Great Departure: The United States and World War I, 1914-1920, by Daniel M. Smith (for U-Boat policy as prime mover of war).
Understanding the Great War/Retrouver la Grande Guerre/Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau & Annette Becker (WWI from French writers & historians)
MANIAC AND OUTBREAK. Our World War: Season 1, Episode 1 "The First Day" BEF meets Kaiser's Army at Belgian city of Mons. Machine-guns begin to take their terrible toll.
Western Heritage Vol II 6th ed. Ozment, Kagan-good for MANIAC primary sources.
Gallipoli, 1980 film by Peter Weir.
Hell's Foundations by Geoffrey Moorehouse-the social history of the town of Bury, England after Gallipoli.
Niall Ferguson, Pity of War--stuff on militarism in UK, Germany.
Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War, Massie, pp. 611-13 on British fears of German industrial/shipbuilding might (for MANIAC lesson)
The Origins of the First World War by James Joll. Pp. 88-89 on nationalism; 164 on Economic Competition; 47-48 alliances.
Pamphlet on prosecutions under the Espionage and Sedition Acts-to show abuse of civil liberties.
Preston, William Jr., Aliens and Dissenters (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press 1963), 156-57. See also p. 145.
Stone, Geoffrey R., Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime (New York: Norton, 2004), 172.
MOBILIZATION: LEGIONARY by Philip Matyszak (logistical needs of Roman army; artillery of Romans)