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unit bibliographical notes

  • MOBILIZATION. America's Great War, Zieger.  Sets up the Four Elements of Mobilization:  soldiers, industry, food & financing.

  • Juliet Barker's Agincourt for Henry V's mobilization efforts and "band of brothers" speech.  pp. 86-87 1.2 M goosefeathers, $25K to a "fletcher" for 12,000 arrows. Also trains all men to use longbow, collects men, raises money (Four Elements of Mobilization lessons).

  • Dan Carlin "Celtic Holocaust" where he mentions Hans Delbrouck on the imporance of logictics in warfare. Caesar had suppliers, financing, communication, transportation...(Four Elements Lesson).

  • The Great Departure: The United States and World War I, 1914-1920, by Daniel M. Smith (for U-Boat policy as prime mover of war).


  • Understanding the Great War/Retrouver la Grande Guerre/Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau & Annette Becker (WWI from French writers & historians)


  • MANIAC AND OUTBREAK. Our World War: Season 1, Episode 1 "The First Day" BEF meets Kaiser's Army at Belgian city of Mons. Machine-guns begin to take their terrible toll.

  • Western Heritage Vol II 6th ed. Ozment, Kagan-good for MANIAC primary sources. 

  • Gallipoli, 1980 film by Peter Weir.

  • Hell's Foundations by Geoffrey Moorehouse-the social history of the town of Bury, England after Gallipoli.

  • Niall Ferguson, Pity of War--stuff on militarism in UK, Germany.

  • Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War, Massie, pp. 611-13 on British fears of German industrial/shipbuilding might (for MANIAC lesson)

  • The Origins of the First World War by James Joll. Pp. 88-89 on nationalism; 164 on Economic Competition; 47-48 alliances.


  • Pamphlet on prosecutions under the Espionage and Sedition Acts-to show abuse of civil liberties.

  • Preston, William Jr., Aliens and Dissenters (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press 1963), 156-57. See also p. 145.

    Stone, Geoffrey R., Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime (New York: Norton, 2004), 172.

  • MOBILIZATION: LEGIONARY by Philip Matyszak (logistical needs of Roman army; artillery of Romans)

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